Monday, August 17, 2009

normal weekend

Home for the weekend and Kathryn came down to hang out. Nice to just spend the weekend doing the same things that normal people do. Left the Blackberry at home and crammed as much in as possible. Went to the Getty and wondered what my final artistic mark would be on the world surrounded by all the paintings and master works. Kathryn thinks I obsess too much.

we had lunch with Dana and Bill at Jose Andres' Bazar . Very good. I'd suggest lunch versus dinner. We were able to have a long lunch with out being rushed and had outstanding service and food. Each plate was wonderful and we left without feeling like we had gorged.

Finished the weekend with brunch on Sunday with the Damianos (Dante was quite taken with Kathryn) at the Polo Lounge at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Had our obligatory celebrity sighting and then went to the movies. Finished the day at Loteria at the Farmers Market at 3rd and Fairfax.
Did I mention that it was 75 degrees all weekend long. Perfect for Kathryn's visit. She doesn't like to sweat.
Monday came too quickly. Back to the Salt Mines

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Weekend in LA

Been a nice respite but heading back out tonight. Here is a shot from last night. Weather has been fabulous. Suppose to be hot when I return. Raining in Boston right now. Yeech!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Home for a week! Good for me! This was the sunrise this morning from the patio. The one upside to working with stores on the East Coast is that I am forced to get up earlier to be available. I can workout early and I get to see some killer sunrises. Going to the bowl tomorrow with Dana and a dinner date each night to get caught up with you all. Miss. Allamand will be visiting this weekend as well so this is a good week.